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Multilingual App Localization for International Success

Reaching a varied audience is critical for businesses in today's globalized environment. Whether you're a well-established global organization or an emerging startup, your applications must speak the languages of your users. The act of modifying your app for multiple languages and countries, known as app localization, is the key to unlocking worldwide success. In this post, we'll look at why app localization is important and consider how Powerling, a top multilingual agency specialized in translations and multilingual content, can help your business.

App Localization: What Is It?

App localization is more than just translation. Rather, it also entails customizing your program to perform flawlessly in different languages, catering in this way to the diverse linguistic demands of your users. These differences commonly involve country-specific peculiarities of language. For example, American English may differ slightly from British English or Canadian English. In order to properly connect with your audience, you must speak to them in their own language.

Localization also involves emojis. Indeed, their meaning might vary greatly from one country to the next. For example, while the emoji symbolizing an open circle with the index finger and thumb touching may seem to universally represent "OK," Brazilians and Turks are likely to be caught off guard if you include this emoji in your app because it's their version of the middle finger. That’s why it’s critical to consider how emoticons should fit into your app localization strategy.

By localizing your app, you ensure that your communications are on point and resonate organically with your target audiences. When a qualified language service company handles the localization of your materials, your foreign-language users will easily understand your content and communications.

The Potential of App Localization for Increasing Profits

Why should you spend money on app localization? The answer is straightforward, which is that it leads to higher profits. According to research, 55% of consumers prefer websites and applications in their native language, putting language ahead of price in terms of relative importance. With more than 6.92 billion mobile-phone users globally in 2023, the mobile app market is massive and continuing to expand rapidly. Thanks to its booming mobile app ecosystem, China leads in mobile app usage and revenue, followed by India and the United States. Localization is required to enter these attractive markets.

What is the difference between internationalization and localization?

Internationalization is the process of modifying your app’s code so that it can be localized. This is not the same thing as localization. Instead, it is the critical first step in the localization process. One example of this approach involves modifying your app’s code to allow for formatting suitable for character-based languages such as Cantonese and Japanese. After internationalization, your program is ready to be changed and distributed in other languages. So, for your app’s code to be able to handle the localized content you have developed, internationalization must necessarily take place before localization.

From Internationalization to Localization

As we’ve discussed, your localized content can be added once your app has been internationalized. However, before you start localizing, do market research to establish which areas and countries you want to grow into.

If your program has already been published, another possibility is to check your existing user base. You can observe where the majority of your visitors come from and cater specifically to them to expand your market base in that location.

After you've decided on your growth territories, you'll need to localize your app to support the languages and localities of those areas. You can dramatically improve user experience and engagement by customizing your app to fit the languages and locations of your target audience.

Your Reliable Partner: Powering for App Localization

Powerling is your trusted partner for app localization. Not only do we specialize in translating app text for localization, but we also deal directly with native software files. From brochures and publications to websites and interfaces, we have extensive experience in marketing translation and localization. With Powerling's language services, your company can confidently set off on the path to worldwide expansion.

Are you ready to take your app global? Request a quotation from Powerling's language services today or call us to see how we can help your company achieve worldwide success through surprisingly efficient and highly effective app localization.

NEWS : Powerling has recently acquired WCS group.

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