Your agency for legal and financial translation

Available 24/7

Available 24/7

Our dedicated team, present in all time zones and reachable 24/7, guarantees swift responsiveness on all your projects, even the largest ones! We can provide you with a commercial proposal in less than an hour.

Absolute confidentiality

Absolute confidentiality

Your data is secure with us! We safeguard the total confidentiality of your content by requiring our linguists to sign NDAs, maintaining a process for sending and receiving encrypted documents, and hosting 100% of your documents on our internal servers.

25 years of experience

25 years of experience

With over 25 years of experience in the legal and financial fields, a network of 600 specialized linguists, and ISO17100 certification, Powerling guarantees the highest quality of translation.

Sworn translation

Our team of translators and experts will complete all your certified translations on time. As certified true copies of original versions, your sworn documents will be officially recognized and admitted by administrative and legal authorities.

Legal translation

Powerling is the partner of choice for many law firms and notary offices requiring the translation of summonses, contracts, and judgments. We work with expert translators, some of whom are former lawyers or jurists. There is no room for error when it comes to your legal content. Our teams use the most appropriate terms and expressions for each particular project. If necessary, we also adapt your content in accordance with regulations applicable to the target country in question.

Arbitration awards - Summonses - Judgments - Orders - Confidentiality agreements - Shareholder agreements - Powers of attorney - By-laws - General conditions - Insurance policies - Bank guarantees - Contracts - Bank guarantees - Term sheets - Patents - Leases - Promises of sale - Collective agreements

Financial translation

We are also the service provider of choice for many financial departments who require the translation of their URDs, financial reports, and press releases. Employing the most appropriate terminology for each particular project, our specialized translators carefully adapt your content in accordance with your requirements.

Stock market analyses - Reporting - URD - Annual accounts - Balance sheets - Press releases - Prospectuses - Asset management reports - Due diligence reports - Memoranda - Engagement letters

Responsiveness you can rely on

Our teams can handle translations of several thousand pages in a very short time frame, in multiple languages.

In fact, we can put several teams of translators on the same project, while taking special care to verify the consistency of your terminology. In this way, we minimize your turnaround times and maximize the quality of your content.

Got a certified translation project involving originals? Our expedited shipping can speed up the exchange of documents for you.

Our teams are standing by to respond to your urgent needs and provide you with personalized solutions.

Case study: A sworn translation of 75,000 words in four days

In 2019, a major law firm based in Luxembourg contacted Powerling with an urgent request for a sworn translation of an arbitration award.

The document had to be translated from English to French, sworn by an expert in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and delivered before the date of the hearing.

Thanks to our dedicated teams and extensive network of linguists, Powerling was able to meet the deadline and deliver the sworn translation of this 75,000-word document in the span of only four days!

Guaranteed confidentiality and security

All linguists involved in our projects are required to sign confidentiality agreements. Upon request, we can also sign confidentiality agreements with our clients.

By exchanging your files via our secure and self-hosted platforms, you'll safeguard the integrity and guarantee the security of even your most confidential data and projects. Choose from several platform solutions ranging from SFTP to SaaS.

Depending on the project type and the level of confidentiality required, we can also provide you with a tool for anonymizing your data. Besides preventing the disclosure of confidential information to staff, this tool also allows you to replace specific selections of your content with random data, screening the information. Such selections may include proper nouns, place names, and other key confidential details.

Throughout the process, we'll safeguard the strict confidentiality of your projects and securely protect your data.

Case study: Development of an anonymization platform

When a major auditing firm entrusted us with a highly confidential translation project, Powerling developed an in-house anonymization platform that automatically removes the names of companies and stakeholders before sharing the associated content with translators. With this setup, the translation work can only be completed using the platform, which doesn't allow content to be copied or pasted and prohibits screenshots from being taken.

Our services for legal content

We are their trusted partner

Together, let's consult on your projects