Multilingual Voice Data Collection : Essential questions before collecting speech data in multiple languages and accents

Multilingual Voice Data Collection : Essential questions before collecting speech data in multiple languages and accents

Does your business create voice-based technologies? Our team has seen a huge increase in demands for multilingual voice data gathering over the last few years, including for voice assistants, voice recognition technology, voice control technology, and more.

The future of human-machine interactions is voice. These Voice-based interactions will be common when using mobile devices, and in the home, workplace, and cars. To understand people's ordinary spoken language, programs like virtual assistants, chatbots, and speech recognition platforms need quality data and training.

In order to develop intelligence and comprehend human language, natural language processing (NLP) systems rely on vast volumes of text and speech data. Collecting this data is a tiresome and drawn-out process. NLP model performance will be based on the quality of the text and speech data used to train the model. Regardless of the underlying technology, achieving quality and performance targets will depend on the quantity and quality of the text and speech training data.

In this article, we'll cover the essential questions to ask ourselves before collecting speech data in multiple languages.

How to collect accurate data from multiple languages and accents What’s the purpose? Some questions before starting a project.

Making sure that the data is clean is hard for these kind of projects, simply because no ones speaks Vietnamese on your team. Utilize native speakers: Use native speakers to collect data in the target language and accent. This will help ensure that the data collected is of the highest quality.

Will you require information that covers a variety of linguistic nuances? Certain linguistic patterns can be influenced by region, education, age, background and even emotion. Maybe you want to train with data that has specific accents? In what linguistic context do you want your model to be used?

Will this voice data be used to train a voice recognition system that works in the street, cars, or with other background noise? Some projects have very precise acoustic or participation needs that call for a lot innovation, and planning.

What is your timeline and budget? Some projects require specific requirements while others have simpler requirements, but need a very quick turnaround or a lot of voice samples. This will greatly impact cost and duration of the data collection process.

Go Global:

Powerling guarantees that your voice-enabled technology is prepared for a varied and multilingual audience by offering end-to-end speech data collection solutions. Regarding the size and complexity of your project to gather voice data, we can create a collection solution specifically for you.