Environmentally-conscious Powerling decides to go even further in 2019!
Environmentally-conscious Powerling decides to go even further in 2019!
Meet Powerling at world's largest retail conference!
Powerling is now officially in partnership with WPML, that allows to generate multilingual conten...
Listen to Folkert Templeman’s interview with Anette van de Loo, for the Grenzeloos Ondernemen bro...
As Americans gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, let's find out what the origins of this festival are.
Hortense Dewavrin represented Powerling at Globalaw Annual Members Meeting, in Dallas. Powerling...
The entire Powerling sales department met for a two-day seminar in Belgium, to prepare a very pro...
Anette Van de Loo, co-founder of Powerling, met the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affair...
Pierrick Mathieu, CEO, was awarded during the Ernst & Young ceremony "Entrepreneur of the year".
When sailing a Vendée Globe, weather conditions, sleep deprivation, isolation, as well as physica...
The equator has been crossed by most of the skippers and the leaders are choosing their route in...
We are now five days further in the race and Rich has just passed the island of Madeira. With the...